Inu Yashiki Wiki

The Middle School Bullies are the bullies of Toshie's Husband. They are a group of 8 middle schoolers.


It is unclear why they bullied him and how it all started but they most likely have bullied Toshie's husband more than once.

After Inuyashiki gained his new powers, he was walking at night when he witnessed the bullies torturing and taunting Toshie’s Husband. At first he was hesitant, but in the end he decided to intervene and help the old man.

At first when he intervened, the bullies attacked Inuyashiki with firecrackers and attempted to beat him to the horror of Toshie’s Husband. When all of a sudden, Inuyashiki’s robotic body automatically activated its defense systems. It simultaneously took down the bullies and scared them away.

Later on, it is revealed that Inuyashiki’s robotic body had been recording the bullies torturing the homeless man and at the same time discovered their identities and posted all of this online for all of Japan to see. Upon the seeing this the bullies realize that their lives are pretty much over.

It is possible that the bullies were arrested after all this, as their identities and the video of their antics were presumably seen by the police as well.
